WHAT WE BELIEVE - Perfect Love

How many of you are ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Valentine’s Day, also known as Love and Friendship Day, is a holiday to celebrate love between couples and between friends. Valentine’s Day is celebrated in almost every country.

Cupid (Latin Cupid, ‘Desire’), according to the most widespread version, is the son of Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, and Mars, the god of war. He is usually depicted as a naked, winged child, blindfolded, and armed with a bow and arrows. His equivalent in Greek mythology is Eros.

Now, it’s a beautiful celebration, but in its origins, it was a celebration to worship a Roman god, and to exalt a person who lost his life for doing good deeds such as marrying soldiers in secret from the Roman emperor.

People seek love all the time, everywhere, and in every way. But very few are searching for true love, or perfect love. Above all, most people are not willing to strive for perfect love. In the Bible, we find the word love at least 350 times in 50 of 66 books, 220 times in the Old Testament, and 130 times in the New Testament.

Everyone who loves is a son/daughter of God and knows God. He who does not love has not known God because God is love. God has given us His sanctifying grace to attain perfect love and perfect sanctification.

John Wesley firmly believed that perfect love and perfect sanctification can be attained in this life. We probably won’t reach Christian perfection in this earthly life, but the apostle Paul says:

“By this, I do not mean that I have already succeeded in doing all that I have told you, nor that I am already perfect. But I can say that I keep going, striving to reach that goal, because that’s why Jesus Christ saved me.”

Are you perfecting your love by perfect sanctification?

Rev. Jesus Samano


Transformed and Renewed


WHAT WE BELIEVE - Be Holy as Christ is Holy