The Greatest Story of All - A Competing Story

This week we find ourselves revisiting a familiar episode in Matthew’s account of the birth of Jesus. In Matthew 2:1-12, the magi have come from the east to visit The one who is born a king. They have seen His star and spent a great deal of time traveling in treacherous conditions, over a great distance, to reach their destination. Being unsure of what they will find, they simply follow the star in the belief that they will discover something extraordinary. 

But there is another king in Jerusalem. One who has a very different view of the world. He doesn’t share the worldview of these magi and doesn’t take kindly to the appearance of another king; one who might threaten his power. Two worlds are clashing and the magi face a choice. Will they adopt the worldview of Herod, or will they pursue the world that this new king represents?

There are many conflicting stories and narratives through which people see the world. Some are political, some are philosophical, and others are religious or scientific. Very often these differing worldviews are in conflict with the world that Jesus represents. We, too, are often faced with the choice of seeing life through the lens of these differing stories, or through the lens of the greatest story of all.

This Advent season, may we discover anew the story of Jesus and see the world through His eyes.

Brian Sherman


The Greatest Story of All - God's Enduring Vision


The Greatest Story of All - A Story Worth Telling