Coventry Carol

Dating back to the 16th century, "Coventry Carol" is an old English carol that depicts one of the most tragic tales in Biblical history - the Slaughter of the Innocents - in which King Herod, learning of the birth of Christ, ordered the massacre of all boys in Bethlehem aged 2 and under in a gambit to protect his own sovereignty.  The chilling text - "lully, lullay, by by, lully lullay" - is both lullaby and lament to the slain children left in their wake.

We lift up this setting of this carol in recognition of the heartbreaking loss still taking place today in Israel and Gaza, and a fervent prayer for the safety of all the innocents embroiled in this conflict.

Coventry Carol arr. Adam Miller
Dripping Springs Methodist Church Choir
Graham Miller, Cello

-Adam Miller,
Director of Music Ministries at DSMC


34th DS Wild Game Dinner


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